Etta Combler is born.
Conrad Combler starts in the guard at Malbourgh Castle. Slim Bellerby finds him very attracktive and falls in love with him.
Finly Dade comes and play for them, and Slim Bellerby disapeares with Finly Dade.
Sir Leonard of Malbourgh sleep with Maxie Barta, while Kari Bellerby gets humped by Conrad Combler while they are guarding them.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh is sleeping with Moira Lieberman and Silas Combler is guarding them.
As lieutenant, Slim Bellerby is responsible for the bodyguard, and he takes all of his men with him: his sister, Kari Bellerby and Conrad and Silas Combler.
It is the first the visit at The Crowned Lion for Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and in spite of the warnings of Kari Bellerby, she haven't quite given up to score Slim Bellerby.
Lady Valerie is snugging Slim Bellerby and starts teasing Silas Combler, and asks Slim Bellerby why he've taken a todler with them.
Though Kari Bellerby thinks Lady Valerie's project of scoring her brother, she love that Lady Valerie keeps the attention of her brother away, so that Kari Bellerby can have Conrad Combler for her self, and snuggles him.
At The Crowmed Lion, They meet Moira Lieberman and Maxie Barta, who had her brother, Pete Barta with her.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Lieberman are very glad to see each other, and imediately start kissing and cuddling.
Kari Bellerby and Slim Bellerby seats themself on each side of Conrad Combler. Kari Bellerby is cuddling him and Slim Bellerby is kissing him.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh seats herself on the other side of Slim Bellerby cuddling him.
Kari Bellerby gets very annoyed Conrad Combler kissing her brother instead of her. and when Niel Hauck bring in the wine, Kari Bellerby starts drinking.
Maxie Barta is asking Kari Bellerby for Sir Leonard, whom she likes to see.
A bit tipsy, Kari Bellerby tells her, he's busy tonight because, the old dynasts are about to decide whom he's going to marry.
Kari Bellerby confirms Maxie Barta is not on the list and she can only hope for staying his doxy.
Finly Dade arrives to play for them.
Lady Valerie notices, Slim Bellerby stops kissing and cuddling with Conrad Combler and she needs to have Conrad Combler away, to get Slim Bellerby to kiss her, so she encorages Maxie Barta to dance with Conrad Combler.
Maxie Barta have had a peep at Conrad Combler while he and Kari Bellerby have been guarding her and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and she thinks he's quite a hansome block and that she can get some sort of revenge, if she make love with the guard of Sir Leonard, so she offers to dance with him.
Pet Barta finds Kari Bellerby very attracktive and he ofers to dance with her too, and the intoxicated Kari Bellerby accepts and dance with him to punish Conrad Combler to make Conrad Combler jaloux.
Moira Lieberman and Sir Benjamin joins them at the dance floor cuddling and dancing.
Lady Valerie makes a last attempt to kiss Slim Bellerby but he is still not interested in her.
When Finly Dade stops playing, Slim Bellerby joins him and they imediately start cuddling and kissing each other.
Pete Barta offers more wine to Kari Bellerby whom gladly guzzles some more wine with Pete Barta-
Maxie Barta realizes Kari Bellerby doesn't notice, she is kissing and cuddling her boyfriend, Conrad Combler so she keep on enjoying his kisses.
Silas Combler sits aside with Lady Valerie, but he dare not kiss her, though he's attempted to do so.
Kari Bellerby falls asleep and Pete Barta starts to kiss her in her sleep.
Kari Bellerby wakes spewing, and Pete Barta have to jump aside not to be hit by the vomit.
Lady Valerie calms Pete Barta down, and she find him attracktive and realizes she shall use the prevention potion, she got from Kari Bellerby, to have her sharry poped by Pete Barta.
Pete Barta and Lady Valerie are kissing and cuddling until Maxie Barta wants to go home with Conrad Combler, and Pete Barta and Lady Valerie follow them back to the forge.
When Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Lieberman wants to make love, Slim Bellerby have already disapeared with Finly Dade, so Sir Benjamin orders Silas Combler and Kari Bellerby to guard them at the suite of Sir Benjamin.
Kari Bellerby is still at sleep, so Silas Combler carries her in to the guardroom, where he falls asleep next to Kari Bellerby.
In the middle of the night, Kari Bellerby halfways wakes up, and wants Silas Combler to make love with her, thinking it's his brother, Conrad Combler, whom she's sleeping with. Silas Combler takes his chance and make love with Kari Bellerby.
Next Morning when Sir Leonard and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh with their bodygaurd, Doug Wood, enters the guardroom of Sir Benjamin's suite, they wakes up Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler in bed together.
As Kari Bellerby discovers, she've been sleeping with Silas Combler instead of her boyfriend, Conrad Combler, she realizes Silas Combler have screwed her, and she have a fit.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh soothes Kari Bellerby and Sir Leonard have Doug Wood to cuff Silas Combler and to escord him to the dungeon.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Lieberman are summoned by the tantrums of Kari Bellerby.
Sir Benjamin and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh follow Doug Wood when he escords Silas Combler to the dungeon.
When Lady Valerie of Malbourg gets alone with Silas Combler, she orders him to undress and stand naked before her. She, then, starts to examine his genitals and immediately his poker is mounding.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh ties up Silas Combler and starts whipping him, but his manhood keeps being mounded. Then she rides him and successively threatening to cut of his balls, if he don't do it with her it again, if she orders him to shag her again.
Before letting Silas Combler go, she assures him of, her boyfriend, Pete Barta,shall crush his balls under his hammer on the anvil, if Pete Barta ever finds out, Silas Combler have penetrated her.
While Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler standing guard outside the room of Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Liebermann, they are talking together. Silas Combler had counted on sleeping with Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, but appairently she prefers enjoying the pleasures of Pete Barta. Kari Bellerby thinks Silas Combler is awful cool, having enjoyed Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and she got lust for him too, though she's very fond of Doug Wood, and have no intention of breaking up with him.
As Lieutenant, Slim Bellerby follows him down to The Crowned Lion so. Thus can spend the night at his boyfriend Finly Dade.
To be sure, Kari Bellerby don't bloobs and reveals his infidelity with Conrad Combler, he makes sure, she get every chance to cheat on Doug Wood with Silas Combler, he takes both of them with him as bodyguards.
They pick up their former routine, where Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Liebermann are sleeping together and Silas Combler and Kari Bellerby sleep together as their bodyguards, whilst Slim Bellerby is sleeping with Finly Dade at his place.
When Kari Bellerby and Moira Liebermann gets tipy, Kari Bellerby kisses Moira. Moira thinks it's funny and soon they're kissing and cuddling like lovers.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh gets jaloux and smacks Moira Liebermann.
Kari Bellerby gets very mad, and tells Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, it is none of his business. She can make a whoopee and kiss with everybody she likes to.
Slim Bellerby tries to calm his unsober sister down and tells her, Sir Benjamin as her master has every right to decide whom she's kissing and cuddling with.
Kari have a fit and protests: It's not fair, Slim Bellerby can cannoodle with Conrad Combler at any time he likes to, but she can't make a whoopee with their cousin.
Maxie Barta gets mad and likes to know, what her fiancee, Conrad Combler, has been doing.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh had found it very esciding to watch the girls snogging, so she decides come her beloved, Slim Bellerby to his aid by suggesting, she'll take Kari Bellerby with her home to the castle, and to send Doug Wood as bodyguard instead.
Slim Bellerby accepts the proposal of Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and annoyed he orders Silas Combler to take Maxie Barta away, and to arrest her if necessary.
Silas Combler starts comfort Maxie Barta as best he can.
When Doug Wood arrives, Finly Dade have left in anger.
Slim Bellerby asks Silas Combler to take Maxie Barta home, and he will be Standing guard with Doug Wood the rest of the nigt.
On their way from The Crowned Lion Silas, if Slim Bellerby is such a bully, who have banged her fiancee and send her in prison, if she doesn’t agrees to this?
Silas confirms, he thinks, it’s the general idea.
At the force, Pete Barta is asking for Lady Valerie of Malbourgh. Silas Combler tells him, she had to go home to the castle tonight.
Maxie Barta wants revence the only way she can, and asks Silas Combler if he wants a ride on her?
Since Silas Combler not going to sleep with Kari Bellerby as he had expected, he does it with Maxie Barta.
During the night, Silas Combler have a break and get layed at the forge while Conrad Combler is entertaining Slim Bellerby.
Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain are entertaining Sir William, Lady Marisa, Sir Thomas, Lady Stefanie and David Smith of Wondon, and Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain are sitting next to them, when Lady Valerie of Malbourgh approaches them.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh is descontemped, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh have taken her maid, Kari Bellerby away from her.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh point out, Lady Valerie is a girl, and as such isn't intitled to anything.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh knows, she's only an anvil, Pete Barta can pound until some noble asks their father, Sir Patrick of Malbourgh, to marry her. Then he can bonk her too.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh smacks Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and calls her a tart.
Lady Maritha of Turain kindly asks Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, whom she likes to marry.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh answars, Slim Bellerby, but he don't wants her.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh scoffs his sister, that nobody wants her, when they realize how many who have had her pie.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh fusses, she go to practice been the wench, she's born to be.
Lady Maritha of Turain promises Lady Valerie of Malbourgh she will help her as soon, as Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh have becomed the new castlekeeper of Malbourgh Castle.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh annoily tells, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh have snatched Slim Bellerby away from him too. Sir Benjamin wants Slim Bellerby back and he'll force him to marry Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, if she wants to.
Lady Valerie points out, if their cousin Sir Gareth of Lewinton dies without children, Sir Benjamin will enheirage Lewinton Shire and leave her to her own fait.
At the apartment of Kiri Bellerby, Etta Combler is waiting with supper with her brother, Silas Combler.
After they had supper, Kari Bellerby demands Silas Combler to stuffing her, before he goes to The Crowed Lion to stand guard, while Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh is banging with Moira Lieberman.
Silas Combler finds Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh kissing with Lady Maritha of Turain at The Crowed Liom.
When Silas Combler arrives, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh kisses Maritha of Turain goodbye and tells her, he can't wait until they gets married, then he resigns from the theatre with Silas Combler.
At the inn next to the theatre, Moira Lieberman awaits Sir Benjamin of Malbourg. After having hugged and kissed, they enters the lodging of Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh to make love all night, while Silas Combler is standing guard out side.
While Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Lieberman are making love, Maxie Barta arrives, and Silas Combler bangs her, too.
On the morning of the Midsummer Concert, Etta Combler dashes to find her brother, Silas Combler, at his quarter.
Etta Combler huggs her brother, Silas, and tells him, that Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh likes him to stand guard, while he fornicates with Moira Lieberman as usual after the concert, and that he shall be ready to that tonight.
At the afternoon, Conrad Combler hurries from the theatre to the castle to find his sister, Etta Combler.
At the quarter of his brother, Silas Combler, Conrad finds them both sitting cozily.
Conrad Combler explains, Lady Samantha of Turain wants to interduce the new maids to his family, and Kari Bellerby had already gone to find Moira Liebermann. Conrad is looking for Ette and Chantelle Wood.
Both Etta and Silas Combler immediately knew, their master, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh's plans for making fornication with Moira Liebermann is in danger, and Silas offers to go the the inn, in case things gets narsty, and Etta takes her brother to Chantelle Wood.
At the inn of the theatre, Silas Combler interrupts Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh camly kissing Lady Maritha of Turain, and asks him, if there is something he can do?
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh answars him, until now, everything is well, and then they go to the table, Niel Hauck has prepared for them at supper.
Niel Hauck has organized the tables for The Midsummer Concert.
Niel Hauck makes a large table for the groomes, Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh. Joining them, they get their sister, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, their cousin Sean Dade, who has comed to see the show, and their other cousin, Sir Gareth of Lewinton, and their Guards, Slim Bellerby, Conrad and Silas Combler.
The table will be served bye the Servants of the castle, Moira Liebermann, Kari Bellerby, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood.
After supper, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden enters the stage, and start play music.
Finally, the brothers, Conrad and Silas Combler is dancing together.
Bettina Hauck annonces a small break in the show, and the audience returns to their seats.
At the break, Moira Liebermann hugs Sir Benjamin of Lewinton and leaves her seat to Lady Maritha of Turain, so he can sit next to Lady Maritha of Turain. Silas Combler leaves his place to her guard, Sills Mayson and leaves together with Moira Liebermann. Conrad Combler leaves his place to Jenis Baker, and moves to her old place, at the other table.
Silas Combler and Moira Liebermann leaves the theatre to find Maxie Barta at the common inn.
At the lodging of Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Maxie Barta is drinking wine on her own when Moira Liebermann returns with Silas Combler.
Maxie Barta gives Moira Liebermann and Silas Combler a glass if wine, and Moira tells her, that everyting went well. Now Moira is going to enjoy herself waiting for Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh to show up, after he'd danced with Lady Maritha of Turain.
While Maxie Barta is fondles the third leg of Silas Combler, she and Moira Liebermann are talking, while Moira excitedly waits for Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh.
At the lodging of Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Maxie Barta is drinking wine on her own when Silas Combler enters.
When Maxie Barta sees Silas Combler, she is getting randily, and tells him, that Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Moira Liebermann have left for the theatre to clean up the mess. She's sitting here lonesome drinking the rest of the wine, and waiting for Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Liebermann to return.
Maxie Barta suggests, Silas Combler snuggles her while they wait for Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh to come.
As soon as Lady Maritha of Turain is locked away, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh hurries anticipatorily and lustfully out of the theatre to the common inn, to meet Moira Liebermann.
At his lodging at the inn, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh finds Moira Liebermann together with Maxie Barta and Silas Combler snuggling.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh immediately is kissing and cuddling with Moira Liebermann, while Maxie Barta asks, if she can have his pikeman tonight, while he's fornicating with Moira?
Since Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh doesn't need his guard tonight, Maxie Barta is dragging off with him, and promise to return him next morning after they had shagged.
Next morning, Silas Combler finds Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Liebermann shagging.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh neeeds to find Lady Maritha of Turain to wish her goodmorning, and takes Silas Combler with him finding her.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Silas Combler joins the Turainians for breakfast and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh is kissing Lady Maritha of Turain goodmorning.
Moira Liebermann finds Silas Combler at the inn, where he's waiting to guard her and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, while they're fornicating, tonight.
Moira Liebermann tells Silas Combler, that instead of guarding her and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh tonight, he shall jump to the grocery, to buy a crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, and bring it to her place, where his sister awaits him.
Then Moira Liebermann enters their lodging, and opens a bottle of wine, and expectantly awaites Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh the rest of the evening.
Late afternoon, Silas Combler enters the grocery, where Maxie Barta and Janet Miller is chatting together, while Janet is nursing Patricia Miller.
Maxie Barta embraces Silas, and she's hugging and kissing him. Then she asks him, what he's doing here?
Silas Combler tells, Moira Liebermann has sent him for a crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, he shall bring to his sister, Etta Combler, at the castle, and that she has given him time off after, he'd delivered it.
Janet Miller cheerfully shouts for Ginger, if he'll bring a crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, from the back of the store.
While they're waiting for the wine, Maxie Barta anticipatingly asks Silas Combler, if he got time for eating supper with him, while she's fondling his cock.
Silas Combler lecherously kissing Maxie Barta, and tells her, he's always happy to eat from her lunch box.
When Ginger Miller arrives with Tara and a crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, Silas Combler is collecting the crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, and Maxie Barta is collecting the crate of polishing agent.
Janet Miller is hugging Maxie Barta goodbye, and whisperly wish her good appetit, before she and Silas Combler desirously returns to the forge.
At the forge, Maxie Barta asks Silas Combler to find her brother, Pete Barta, and give him the crate of polishing agent, she just bought, while she helps her mother, Chlorine Barta, cooking supper.
At his apartment, Pete Barta is busy pounding with Lady Valerie of Malbourgh. She claims, they ran out of polishing agent, so he helped Pete polish his weapon.
Silas Combler is eating supper with Lucian, Chlorine, Pete, Maxie, Alfredo Barta and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh.
In the evening, Silas Combler and Maxie Barta are cuddling and kissing, before he's shagging her at her lodging at the forge.
On the early morning of the weddings, Silas Combler wakes up at the forge with Maxie Barta, and begins bumping uglies with Maxie Barta, when he suddantly remembers, that his sister, Etta Combler, is still waiting for the crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, that Moira Liebermann has sent him to the grocery for yesterday.
Worried, his sister, Etta Combler might be killing him, Silas gets dressed and kissed Maxie Barta goodbye. Silas gets the crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, and rushes to the castle, while Maxie annoyed goes snoozing.
Whilst sitting at the toilet, she sees Silas Combler hurrinǵ out of the appartment of Maxie Barta.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh stops Silas Combler, and asks him where he's going in that hast?
Silas Combler quikly tells Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, he's engaged by Moira Liebermann to service her during the weddings, and he has forgotten, he has to bring his sister this crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh suddantly remembers, she and Pete Barta do not have a bodygaurd during the weddings, and she's intitled to have one.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh asks Silas Combler, where her brother, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh is at this morning? Silas quikly replies before he leaves with the crate of wine; that his brother, Conrad, is trying to sneak Sir Leonard of Malbrough into the bedroom of Lady Samantha of Turain before their wedding, so he'll probably be there.
Chantelle Wood finds Silas Combler untidy dressed with a crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine at The Crowned Lion.
Silas Combler cheers up, when he sees Chantelle Wood, and explains he's on his way to deliver this crate of wine to his sister, and she's waiting for him.
Rejectable Chantelle Wood corrects Silas Combler, it was last night, and Etta Combler had been sitting and waiting for the crate all night.
Silas Combler wants to know, if Etta Combler is very mad at him, and will kill him for not deliver the crate. Chantelle Wood replies Silas, he can consider it, if Moira Liebermann doesn't kill him. Moira is pretty jumpy this morning.
Chantelle Wood reappeared with Silas Combler, who explains, he had to satisfy Maxie Barta last night, and this morning he was bomping into a jumpy Lady Valerie of Malbourgh looking for her brother.
Moira Liebermann annoyed liberates the crate of wine from Silas Combler, and orders Silas Combler to stay and help Chantelle Wood preparing the appartment for Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha of Malbourgh, when they are arriving after the weddings. Afterwards, he can be serving for the girls at the party tonight, she's throwing tonight.
It's clear from the start, that Silas Combler is more fond of his sister's friend, Chantelle Wood, than she's fond of him, but Moira Liebermann takes the crate to the kitchen, alone.
When Moira Liebermann has left for the kitchen, Chantelle Wood is doing the living room ready for the party tonight.
While Chantelle Wood is tidying up, Silas Combler is getting smoochy, and tells Chantelle Wood, that he thinks the friend of his sister, Chantelle, had become smoochible, and wants to know, if she likes to smooching with him tonight.
Chantelle Wood turns around and smacks Silas Combler, while she's kicking him in his groin, and asks him, if his sister, Etta, likes to be tender those.
When Moira Lieberman emerges from the kitchen, Chantelle Wood is annoyed at Silas Combler, who tender his dangles.
When Sir Leonard of Malbourg, his bodygaurd, Slim Bellerby and Etta Combler arrive at his suite at noon, Moira Liebermann and Chantelle Wood have made lunch for them, while Silas Combler still tries to make amend to Chantelle.
While eating Lunch with Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and his bodygaurd, Slim Bellerby, Etta Combler explains to Moira Liebermann, that Sir Leonard has assigned the brother of Chantelle, Doug Wood, to guard his sister, Lady Valerie, and her boyfriend, Pete Barta during the weddings, so she and Kari Bellerby will attend alone without Doug Wood. Etta, however, doesn't see no problem in it. They'll have a girls night together instead.
Moira Liebermann asks Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, if they can borrow Silas Combler to serving the girls, while they are celebration the weddings? Sir Leonard of Malbourgh sees no problem if that arrangement as long as the appartment is ready to recieves him and Lady Samantha of Turain, after they gets married.
Chantelle Wood whispering disapprovingly to Etta Combler, her lasours brother has fundle her again, and she'd to kick him at his bollocks.
Etta Combler whisperingly promises Chantelle Wood, they're going to have fun with her brother, Silas, tonight, if Chantelle will bear up with him for the rest of the day. Then Etta Combler gently gives her brother's dangles a gently punch, before she returns to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh's suite.
In the afternoon, Moira Liebermann is in desperate need to alter her plan for tonight. Moira asks Chantelle Wood and Silas Combler to help Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby changing into the wedding clothers, while she goes to the kitchen to prepare for the party, they are throwing during the weddings.
After Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, lieutenant Slim Bellerby and Silas Combler are taking a bath, Chantelle Wood has to wriggle to avoid a tender embracement from Silas.
When the boys get dressed, Chantelle Wood repeatedly and gently has to fight off a fondly Silas Combler.
When Moira Liebermann rejoins Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, both he and his lieutenant Slim Bellerby have change to their wedding clothers, however Chantelle Wood is very unfriendly looking at Silas Combler.
Moira Liebermann hopes, her cousin Kari Bellerby soon will show up to become the attraction for the lecherousness of Silas Combler, when Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and his lieutenant Slim Bellerby are leaving to attend the wedding ceromonies.
In the evening Kari Bellerby and Etta Combler comes to the apartment of Moira Lieberman to have a girls night during the wedding.
Silas Combler is serving wine and food for the girl, and soon Silas Combler and Kari Bellerby is sharing the taimpered wine together.
As they have finished eating and drinking, Silas Combler and Kari Bellerby starts pationately to make love infront of Moira Lieberman, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood.
At the bedroom of Moira Lieberman, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Doug and Chantelle Wood find Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler passionately making love.
Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler are interrupted by a fury of Doug Wood, and Kari Bellerby is blaming Doug Wood for force her to seek a lover, to get satisfaction.
Silas Combler resumes shafting Kari Bellerby when Moira Lieberman and Etta Combler arrive. Moira Lieberman is going to retrive some potion for Sir Gareth of Lewinton, and she's going to stay at him the rest of the night.
Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh gets mad, and throw Doug Wood. Kari Bellerby, Silas and Etta Combler out of his suite, and orders Chantelle Wood to stay and to serve himself and Lady Maritha of Turain in the morning.
On the way to the suite of Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh Doug Wood slashes Silas Combler and Kari Bellerby gives Doug Wood a mouse.
Doug Wood goes to the warden room at the dungeon, and Ette Combler helps Kari Bellerby getting Silas Combler into her apartment.
In the morning after the weddings Kari Bellerby nurses the gash of Silas Combler.
Edward Lieberman arrives alone and Charles Riggs comes with his sister, Janet Miller, who comes to see Maxie Barta.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh orders wine for the crawd at Bettina Hauck, and they seats themself in pair: Lady Valerie and Pete Barta, Maxie Barta and Janet Miller, Slim Bellerby and Conrad Combler, Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood and Edward Lieberman and Charles Riggs are watching the two beautiful girls.
Then, Finly and Sean Dade arrives and they starts to performe with Bettina Hauck.
Pete Barta starts dancing with Janet Miller, Lady Valerie dances with Slim Bellerby, Conrad Combler dances with Kari Bellerby and Edward Lieberman and Etta Combler get ingaged in a strange cuddlely dance and Chantelle Wood dances with Charles Riggs.
Maxie Barta starts dancing with Silas Combler, but when an intoxicated Kari Bellerby see it, she smacks Maxie Barta, and accuses her of trying to steal all of her boyfriends.
Maxie Barta gets mad and complains, it was Kari Combler, who have stolen Silas Combler from her and then they starts fighting.
Silas Combler snags Kari Bellerby to hold her tight and Conrad Combler snags Maxie Barta and holds her tight, too, in order to to seperate them.
Pete Barta, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Conrad Combler takes Maxie Barta home to the forge and Slim Bellerby and Silas Combler takes Kari Bellerby home to the castle.
Syreeta Bellerby points out, Kari Bellerby have two pregnant mistress and it will be her job to make them give birth safely. When she've done that, she can have fun with Silas Combler afterwards.
After Lady Samantha of Malbourgh has giving birth to Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain is still heavily pregnant, Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh like to hold a meeting at The Crowmed Lion.
Hence Kari Bellerby and the maids Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood still have some shopping to do, they are following them to the town.
Since Silas Combler mysteriously seams glued to Kari Bellerby and hence an unavoidable compay, they'd taken the brothers Conrad and Silas Combler with them as bodyguards.
At The Crowmed Lion, Kari Bellerby is annoyed by Silas Combler, and sends him with Etta Combler to the phamacist, while she and Chantelle Wood goes to the taylor.
Silas and Etta Combler enter the pharmacy.
After having kisses Etta Combler welcome, Edward Lieberman looks at the list of remedies Silas Combler brought along.
Edward Lieberman got it all, painkiller potion and baby balsam, but the pharmacy have ran out of contraception potion, because his cousin, Kari Combler have used so much of it lately. Edward Lieberman has to produce a new batch, and it will not be finised before tonight.
Etta Combler offers to stay and help Edward Lieberman to produce the new contraception potion, and promises to bring it to the castle, when it's finished and firmly tested.
Silas Combler wishes his sister good fun, and leaves for The Crowned Lion with the painkiller potion and the baby balsam.
At last Silas Combler returns from the pharmacy with the painkiller potion and the baby balsam without the contraception potion and his sister, Etta Combler. He tells Kari Bellerby, her couldn, Edward Lieberman, have to make the contraception potion first, but his sister, Etta Combler have offered to bring the potion to the castle, when it is finised.
Silas Combler confirms Kari Bellerby's assumption, his sister have offered Edward Liebermann to test the contraception potion, before she delivers it.
Kari Bellerby ragingly thinks, Edward Lieberman and Etta Combler has become to clever for their own good, and wants to go to the pharmacy to have a word with her cousin.
Lady Valerie of Malbourgh suggests Kari Bellerby Calm down, and sit to drink some more wine with Maxie Combler, Conrad Combler and herself, while Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh, Silas Combler and Chantelle Wood goes home to the castle with the merchandise.
Kari Bellerby and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh can go to the pharmacy later, to pick up Etta Combler and the contraception potion later.
Early next morning, Silas Combler is awaken by Kari Bellerby and his sister quarrelling.
Kari Bellerby takes some contraception potion and sends Etta Combler into Sir Leonard of Malbourg, who wants to talk to Etta, while she have a quick bang with Silas Combler since she finally have the potion, now.
When Etta Combler returns to the apartment of the guards, Kari Bellerby interrupts her mating with Silas Combler, and asks him, to help Ette pack her things. Meanwhile, she will attend to Lady Maritha of Turain, and they will all meet at the other compartment.
When Etta and Silas Combler arrive with Etta's things, Kari Bellerby and Chantelle Wood have allready packed the things of Chantelle.
Etta Combler uneasily asks Chantelle Wood, if she thinks, she can live together with Kari Bellerby.
Chantelle Wood happily hugs Etta and replies, it will only be for a few days ontil they all depart for Wondon and that she can cope with the shrew until then. Etta Combler can have the entire apartment all by herself until Moira Lieberman returns from Lewinton.
Conrad Combler and Maxie Barta find Etta Combler, who helps them packing the things of Conrad Combler.
Autumn Equinox Kari Bellerby becomes the new lieutenant and moves in at the apartment of the lieutenant together with her boyfriend, Silas Combler.
Late Autumn The boyfriend of Kari Bellerby, Silas Combler has started talking about getting married and have children. Kari Bellerby hesitates.